Dareに慣れるため、Drink or Dareの解説を翻訳してみる。
You’re probably familiar with the game Truth or Dare,
where each player gets to choose between revealing something personal or performing a daring act.
daring 大胆な
When you play the drinking game Drink or Dare, you can replace the "truth" part with drinking!
step 1
Gather a group of friends and have a few drinks.
The suggestion to play Drink or Dare will sound much more appealing to people if they've already been consuming alcohol.
You can play with as few as two people, but it's more fun with a larger group.
step 2
Get comfortable.
If you’re at a big party, find an area away from the rest of the party.
step 3
Start with a dare.
It doesn’t really matter who goes first because everyone will get their turn.
Each participant should also get a chance to make up a dare for someone else.
ここでのmake upの訳は自信がないけど、多分、
step 4
If you turn down a dare, you must take a drink.
Once people have turned down a few dares,
the group will be intoxicated enough to perform some amusing dares.
Tips & Warnings
Creativity is the key.You may want to save some of your innovative and embarrassing dares for later in the game
when people would be more likely to make good on them.
make good on ~ ~をやり遂げる
when people would be more likely to make good on them.
make good on ~ ~をやり遂げる
Before you begin playing,
decide how much alcohol needs to be consumed each time a participant turns down a dare.
The amount should stay constant, but can change if enough people agree.
decide how much alcohol needs to be consumed each time a participant turns down a dare.
The amount should stay constant, but can change if enough people agree.
Make sure the dares don’t get out of hand.
get out of hand 収拾がつかなくなる、手に負えなくなる
The emphasis(重要なところ) should be on having light-hearted(のんきな、楽しい) fun,
not on humiliating(恥をかかせる) your friends.
get out of hand 収拾がつかなくなる、手に負えなくなる
The emphasis(重要なところ) should be on having light-hearted(のんきな、楽しい) fun,
not on humiliating(恥をかかせる) your friends.
You should never dare someone to do something against the law or that could cause them bodily harm.
dare O to do って言い方もあるんだな。勉強になる。
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