Beneficiary 利益を受ける人、受給者(ここでは受講者)
reinforce 補強する
revise 改訂する、復習する
comprehension 理解、理解力
comprehension test 理解度確認のテスト
cartilage 軟骨
grapevine; a wrestling hold in which a wrestler entwines(絡ませる) his own leg around his opponent's and exerts(出す、与える) pressure against various joints
blob 小さな塊
lever レバー、てこ
rib cage 胸郭
vertebral column 脊椎
pelvis 骨盤
reproductive organ 生殖器官
phosphate リン酸塩
mineral deposit 鉱床
ecto~ 外の
endo~ 内の
meso~ 中の
assume a ~ position ~な姿勢を取る
limb 手足
adduction 内転
abduction 外転
depression 押し下げる To pull down a joint, as in pulling down the shoulders.
horizontal plane 水平面
Pec Dec
rotary 回転式の
about ≈ around ; 'about the long axis of the bone'
thoracic 胸郭の
Circumduction: To circle part of the body, for example, the arm.
Pronation ←→ Supination
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