Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sky Ride

I have more than 1 month left.

Hope I wouldn't miss it just like I missed London Marathon.

The great thing about Sky Ride is it's your day, 

so you don't have to start from any one particular point. 

The route is open from 9.30am until 4.30 pm and you can cycle at any time during these opening times - you don't have to arrive for the start. 

However, if you’d like some assistance in getting into the central route from your borough then take advantage of one of 50 free Guided Rides from across all London boroughs to the Sky Ride. 

They're led by trained marshals who will ride at a relaxed easy pace, perfect for less experienced cyclists.  Click here to book.

Bikes on public transport

Barclays Cycle Hire

£45 / year. Sounds interesting.

Since bicycles are easily stolen in London, this might be one of the best options to enjoy bicycling.

Facebook Japan

If I were in Japan now, I would work for Facebook Japan,,, .

Or some sports companies.

If 5 years ago, Apple.

If 10 years ago, Starbucks, etc.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My flickr Album

Take a look at it!

London Festival of Architecture Sky Rides

Hmmm, I missed that.

I will join this next year!

Tesco's Apartment

If the big companies start to make the affordable apartments or accommodation, 

that must be really successful.

Timeout Cafe ad Diner 2

I've been interested in this Cafe for a while.

But didn't know this is run by Time Out magazine.

Sounds very convenient!

Crossfit London

Looks interesting.

I've been looking for the opportunity to learn gymnastics 'in English'.

Daily Telagraph / ₤ 1.00

A daily morning broadsheet newspaper.

(Broadsheet is the largest of the various newspaper formats)

Looks like an average, well-balanced, comprehensive and general newspaper.

Capello, Terry, and Andy Murray.

BP oil spill.

Evans Cycles West End New Store

London's largest bike shop.

Meltdown / Richard Thompson, Elvis Costello / River Thames

Unfortunately, that was very disappointing and boring! Haha.

Daily Mirror / 45p

A British tabloid newspaper.

The title on its masthead (題字、発行人欄) was changed to read simply The Mirror, which is how the paper is usually referred to in popular parlance (口調、業界用語). 

The Mirror gained notoriety in the United States with its 4 November 2004 front page after the re-election of George W. Bush as President. 

It trumpeted "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?". 

The cover became a favourite of anti-Bush websites. 

In this issue, it provided a list of states and their average IQ, showing the Bush states all below average intelligence (except for Virginia), and all Kerry states at or above average intelligence. 

Beans, Nuts and Whole Food / Salads at Marks and Spencer

Squash, Lentil, Edamame Soya, etc. Sounds good.

M&S has many other salads, like bean and mint one, etc. Lovely.

Bob's your uncle

One of the typical british phrases, I guess.

I learned this phrase from the videos of Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver.

But, I don't have any uncle named Bob.

Commonwealth (イギリス)連邦

conclude 終える、結論づける

gallantry 勇敢さ

cite 引用する、言及する、表彰する

siege 包囲攻撃

affectionately 親しみをこめて

imply 暗示する、〜という意味になる

prestigious 一流の

probable ありえる、有望な

derive from 〜に由来する